Contents: the changing world; business and businesses; global trading; sustainable deveopment; production; sales; business performance; finance; marketing; increasing sales; customer service;...
Contents: The business environment; The company; Travel; Sport; Sales; Cultural awareness; Advertising; Fashion and style; Technology; Job satisfaction; Market research; Bright ideas; Dealing with...
Contents: basics of business and professional communication, strategic case: Sundown bakery; personal skills, strategic case: Omnicom marketing; working in groups, strategic case: Museum of...
This book enhances the strategic approach, real-world practicality, and reader-friendly voice that have made this text the market leader for three decades. On every page, students learn how to...
Contents: An Introduction to Crystal Reports; Getting Started; Report Formatting and Organization; Analyzing Report Data; Empressions, Formulas, and Functions; Building Complex Reports; Adding Visual...
This book incluces: Introduction to Computer Networks and Data Communications; Fundamentals of Data and Signals; Conducted and Wireless Media; Making Connections Efficient: multiplexing and...