Tài liệu được tìm trên toàn bộ hệ thống
173 tài liệu được tìm thấy
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 658.409 M571
Contents: Lead From the Front; When the Going Gets Tough, Go Around; Leverage the Idea, Not Your Time; Shamelessly Copy Good Ideas; Put All Your Eggs in One Basket; If You can't Find a Solution,...
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 005.74 M2848
Brief contents: introduction to database environments; understanding relational databases; data modeling; relational databases design; application development with relational databases; advanced...
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 005.74 C4615
Brief contents: introduction to database systems; conceptual design and data modeling; table structure and normalization; transforming data models to relational databases; physical design and...
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 005.74 R1656
Brief contents: foundations; application development; storage and indexing; query evaluation; transaction management; database design and tuning; additional topics.
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 005.74 S5824d
Presents the fundamental concepts of database management. This text is suitable for a first course in databases at the junior/senior undergraduate level or the first year graduate level.
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 005.74 S5824
Brief contents: relational databases; database design; object-based databases and XML; data storage and querying; transaction management; data mining and information retrieval; system architecture;...
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 005.74 C75291
Brief contents: background; the relational model and languages; database analysis and design techniques; methodogy; selected database issues; distributed DBMSs and replication; object DBMSs; Web and...
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 658.409 W191
Chủ đề: Management; Quản lý
This book was written with the intention of instilling confidence in you and to teach you to obtain a sustained drive to succeed in what you have set as your goal. A person is only limited in what...
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 658.407 B181
This book includes: Personal Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Group and Organizational Skills.
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 333.72 G763
This book explores the theory and methods of systems analysis and computer modeling as applied to problems in ecology and natural resource management. It reflects the problems and conflicts between...
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