This book provides a basic understanding of data communications systems needed in today's business environment. Students should have a basic understanding of computers and algebra and should have...
This book incluces: Introduction to Computer Networks and Data Communications; Fundamentals of Data and Signals; Conducted and Wireless Media; Making Connections Efficient: multiplexing and...
Brief Contents: Introduction to Windows Server 2003 Security; Planning and Configuring Security Policies; Deploying and Managing Security Policies; Troubleshooting Security Policies; Planning and...
This book includes: Overview of Accounting Information Systems; Transaction Cycles and Business Processes; Advanced Technologies in Accouting Information; Systems Development Activities; Computer...
Contents: computer simulations of supercooled liquids and structural glasses; evolution motivated computer models; a survey of genetic algorithms; parallel algorithms for short-range molecular...
Contents: empirical potential energy functions used in the simulations of materials properties; thermally activated reversal in magnetic nanostructures; a tutorial on advanced dynamic monte carlo...
The sixth volume of the series covers topics ranging from the generation of good random numbers tostatistical physics, quantum mechanics, quantum computers and polymers, to protein folding and...
The seventh volume of this series focuses an applications - from ising models to the formation of small clusters and phase ordering in fluids, to the structure of concrete, to the growth of cities...