Essentials of contemporary management

Ký hiệu xếp giá
658 J77
Xuất bản
4. - Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009
Mô tả
548tr ; 25 cm
Ngôn ngữ
Loại tư liệu
Từ khóa
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
Brief contents: Part I: management and managers: the management process today; values, attitudes, emotions, and culture: the manager as a person - Part II: the environment of management: managing ethics and diversity; managing in the global environment - Part III: planning, decision making, and competitive, and entrepreneurship; planning, strategy, and competitive advantage - Part IV: organizing and change: designing organizational structure; control, change, and entrepreneurship; Part V: leading individuals and groups: motivation; leaders and leadership; effective team management; building and managing human resources - Part VI: controlling essential activities and processes: communication and information technology management; operations management: managing vital operations and processes.
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