Ground water contamination: transport and remediation

Ký hiệu xếp giá
628.1682 B412g 1997
Xuất bản
2. - Prentice Hall, 1997
Mô tả
604tr ; 23 cm
Ngôn ngữ
Loại tư liệu
Từ khóa
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
This book includes: introduction to ground water contamination; ground water hydrology; ground water flow and well mechanics; sources and types of groundwater contamination; hydrogeologic site investigatons; contaminant transport mechanisms; contaminant fate processes; modeling biodegdation and natural attenuation; flow and transport in the unsaturated zone; numerical modeling of contaminant; nonaqueous phase liquids; natural attenuation and risk based corrective action; ground water remediation alternatives; legal protection of ground water.
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Kho 2  Tầng 1 
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