Strategic management of technology and innovation
3. -
Technology Strategy, Innovation
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Đánh dấu
Burgelman, Maidique, and Wheelwright have written the market leading text for a course in technology and innovation. This text covers the latest research by using a combination of text, readings, and cases. Based on reviewer response to a survey, the authors have updated many of the cases and instructors found outdated or lacking. As in the current edition, the book has a strong case foundation at Harvard and Stanford. Classic cases such as Claire McCloud have been kept, while newer cases such as Intel Corporation in 1999 have been added. There is also a strong set of readings from sources such as Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, and Sloan Management Review. Contents: Introduction: Integrating Technology and Strategy; Design and Evolution of Technology Strategy; Enactment of Technology Strategy - Developing the Firm’s Innovative Capabilities; Enactment of Technology Strategy - Creating and Implementing a Development Strategy; Conclusion: Innovation Challenges in Established Firms.
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200000564 |
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